August was a fun month. Rally took his first steps. We decided to celebrate by taking him to the skating rink. We were a little too ambitious with this endeavor, but we enjoyed watching Daddy skate. Rally learned how to stick out his tongue. We dressed up as a Ninja turtle...and still do. Rally and Mommy escaped the summer heat and ran away to the beach. Rally enjoyed the sand and water. Grandma, cousins, and friends were there too. Bubba-4 and Bubba-0 spent time together walking on the wet sand. We took Rally to McDonald's for his first happy meal. He ate it all and begged for more. We spent many hours walking our neighborhood. Rally got to hold cousin Madi's bird. He enjoyed it for a couple of minutes. We took a trip to the Nike outlet and picked out some new shoes for our new walker. Rally got his first hair cut. He screamed all the way through it. Between him and mommy, many tears were shed. This haircut made him a boy, not a baby. All ...