I Love Competition
Sunday was my 21st birthday (okay add about 6 years to that *sigh*. Sad story- when we were in Vegas, we did play a few slot machines. On the last day there I commented on how odd it was that I hadn't been carded at all because I am usually hunted down the moment I step into a casino. James' response was: "because you are looking more mature". I think he really wanted to say I look old, but knew better). Once again, this year I was spoiled. I have the greatest family and friends! Thank you everyone. Since, I posted baby pictures of James (without him knowing) I thought it would only be fair to put some pictures up of me when I didn't look so mature.
My first baby picture
My first birthday
My 2nd birthday
Around my 3rd birthday
My 5th birthday

Every year for every gift giving holiday, James and I always compete against each other to give the other person the best presents. I thought for sure I beat him this year with his surprise trip to Vegas. I am sad to admit we are now tied. The saturday before my birthday he gave me 3 very appealing options for my birthday present: 1. something cheap and simple 2. something four legged or 3. something expensive and fun. The obvious choice for me was #3. So he took me to Boot's Camera and told me to pick out any camera I wanted. I spent about an hour with the salesman testing out and going over different cameras. I finally decided on this camera:
I have been wanting a digital SLR camera for a very long time, but I would always settle for a point and shoot with the same features. After my brand new camera broke in Vegas, James had enough and splurged.
This is the first picture I took with my camera. I already LOVE it!!
My first baby picture

My first birthday

My 2nd birthday

Around my 3rd birthday

My 5th birthday

Every year for every gift giving holiday, James and I always compete against each other to give the other person the best presents. I thought for sure I beat him this year with his surprise trip to Vegas. I am sad to admit we are now tied. The saturday before my birthday he gave me 3 very appealing options for my birthday present: 1. something cheap and simple 2. something four legged or 3. something expensive and fun. The obvious choice for me was #3. So he took me to Boot's Camera and told me to pick out any camera I wanted. I spent about an hour with the salesman testing out and going over different cameras. I finally decided on this camera:

This is the first picture I took with my camera. I already LOVE it!!
