All that hard work paid off

After many years of working hard and slowly working up the ladder, James was offered a managment position. YAY!! I can't remember the last time I have seen him so happy and excited to go to work. He starts his new position monday morning. He will be the Fresno Meter Reading Supervisor. We are very lucky that he was offered a position in Fresno. He interviewed for this position last october, but the position was going to be outside of Fresno. I am so proud of him.


Brooke said…
Yay James!!! That's very exciting!!! So, where are you guys living? How do you like it? I'm burning out on Bako, but we're looking to buy a house, so we'll probably be here for a while longer...
We are living in Clovis, just outside of Fresno. We LOVE it here. We never want to leave. We were getting burned out on Bakersfield right before we moved here. If you are ever in Fresno, let us know. We have a guest room if you need a place to stay. Good luck buying a home. It's a great time for that!!
Robyn said…
That's really exciting! I hope he enjoys it.
The Gage Cage said…
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go James! I'm so glad you're loyal to Clovis (AKA Zion). I also love it here. I can't believe you didn't mention the promotion when we were at your house this afternoon. Thanks for having us over by the way. I LOVE your table . You have excellent taste and a very good eye. That's a nice talent to have.
Erica said…
Congratulations to James! Promotions are wonderful!!
Where is Fresno compared to Orange County? I suppose I could get out a map, but I'm not feeling that ambitious at the moment....

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